It seems like equipment inserted between fiber sheaths never comes it at the 'right' rotation (or trimmed correctly, but I tend to blame the person setting up the cells for that more than Bentley software).
Would it be possible to get equipment being inserted to determine the 'best' angle based on some averaging math between the previous/next sheaths? And/Or get a 'right click to rotate' option in there before it's placed?
Also, if you're modifying the "insert into fiber" workflow. It would be great if there was an option to not auto-splice any fibers. Some customers do all splicing in trays, so waiting to OS-ripple all those circuits just so I can disconnect them (wait some more) and re-splice in them in trays (then wait again) is kind of painful. Another workaround for this might be a way to move splices not in trays, into trays. I know 'swap' lets you move splices in trays around, but I don't think you can move splices in/out of trays currently.
Maybe better as a separate Idea, but it's pretty related to these concepts. Finding a way to get SHIFT+Click to span multiple trays (and buffers) would be awesome. I have 1 customer that will only use 24ct trays....splicing 144ct+ there feels mind numbingly inefficient since I can't just queue them all up at once then busy myself on another screen while I wait.