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Workspace sisNET
Created by Guest
Created on May 2, 2023

Adjusting the band is always possible by right-clicking in the ribbon, even if the backstay rights are withdrawn / Das Band anzupassen ist durch rechten Mausklick ins Ribbon immer möglich, trotz entzogener Backstagerechte

A new function right has been introduced: "Customize Ribbon". This allows to prevent the customization of the sisNET ribbon via the context menu.

Es wurde ein neues Funktionsrecht eingeführt: "Ribbon anpassen". Damit lässt sich das anpassen des sisNET Ribbons über das Kontextmenü verhindern.

  • Admin
    Theo van de Ven
    Oct 18, 2023

    This idea has been realized and released with sisNET 2023, version in October 2023.

  • Admin
    Theo van de Ven
    May 2, 2023

    SR 7001322471, TFS item 734049.

    Planned to be released with next sisNET CE Update.