Wir nutzen im Unternehmen immer häufiger CycloMedia. CycloMedia ist vergleichbar mit Google Maps. Im Gegensatz zu Google Maps sind Gebäude nicht verpixelt, da CycloMedia nicht öffentlich zugänglich ist. CycloMedia-Daten haben eine hohe Auflösung. In CycloMedia lassen sich Entfernungen und Flächen ausmessen. CycloMedia bietet daher eine gute Planungsgrundlage. Als Netzbetreiber wollen wir unsere Betriebsmittel gemeinsam mit CycloMedia-Daten nutzen. In sisNET und sisVIEW sollte daher - ggf. über ein Plugin - die Möglichkeit geschaffen werden, CycloMedia-Daten einzubinden.
Our iTwin colleagues have reviewed the Cyclomedia API, to which they were given access to by Cyclomedia in Q4 2024, and have found that it is no longer possible to view Cyclomedia data with a non-Cyclomedia viewer. The only way to view this data is via the Cyclomedia viewer, which would then need to be integrated into the Bentley iTwin applications.
This turns our iTwin philosophy on its head. One of the basic principles of our iTwin design is that the system must be open: it must be able to display, analyse and process data from just about any format from any vendor in a single user interface. Not by confronting users with a series of separate applications that each do only part of what the user needs.
Following the announcement of the partnership with Google a few months ago, iTwin colleagues are working on integrating Google data like geodata and traffic data into our iTwin applications. We would like to integrate Cyclomedia data into our iTwin solutions too, but we are currently knocking on a closed door there.
Without an iTwin solution, the only option for sisNET customers would be to develop our own integration between sisNET and the Cyclomedia Street Smart Viewer. We are not able to put together a business case for this without significantly increasing the price of sisVIEW. Not to mention the time it would take to develop such integration and the fact that Cyclomedia may want to charge additional costs. We have therefore decided not to proceed with this idea.
The sisNET team and the Orbit team will set up an internal test configuration with a test set of CycloMedia data on an internal server. We'll test first with MicroStation, for which a standard plugin is available. To be followed by tests with sisNET, which is built on top of the MicroStation platform.
The CycloMedia data will need to be available on an on-premise server or on an iTwin server hosted by Bentley. Both options can be fulfilled with a copy of the customer data from the CycloMedia server, to which CycloMedia customers should be entitled.
Thank you for your input!
This idea has been added as sisNET Product Backlog Item 1378773, for further review by the sisNET team. We will take a look at the required effort to implement the Orbit plugin on sisNET/sisVIEW and check which Orbit software products will be needed and get back to you.