Improvements to Undo/redo button with smart objects will be availaible in upcoming release. OUS uses Microstation graphical engine with a project database. Unfortunately, design history histoic undo/redo functions do not interact with data in the OUS Project Database.
Attached video demonstrates the upcoming improved Undo/Redo functionality for smart objects.
Added a video explaining the way "Design History" Works in Plain MicroStation (including for Database operations like the MicroStation Undo also does). Maybe that can inspire Substation Product Management. Thanks
Improvements to Undo/redo button with smart objects will be availaible in upcoming release. OUS uses Microstation graphical engine with a project database. Unfortunately, design history histoic undo/redo functions do not interact with data in the OUS Project Database.
Attached video demonstrates the upcoming improved Undo/Redo functionality for smart objects.
Added a video explaining the way "Design History" Works in Plain MicroStation (including for Database operations like the MicroStation Undo also does). Maybe that can inspire Substation Product Management. Thanks