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Status Will not implement
Workspace sisNET
Categories Other
Created by Guest
Created on Jan 17, 2024

Farb-Nr. in N_SYS_FEATURE_STYLES speichern

Zur Zeit wird die Farbe nur als RGB-Wert im hexadezimalen Format in der STYLE-Spalte der Tabelle N_SYS_FEATURE_STYLES gespeichert (als Parameter “color=”). Es wäre gut, wenn auch die Farb-Nr. aus der Farbtabelle mitgespeichert wird, z.B. als Parameter “color_nr=”, da in einer Farbtabelle eine Farbe mit identischen RGB-Werten mehrmals existieren kann.

Beispiel: IST: lvl=32;color=#00D2D2;lstyle=0;lwght=0; Vorschlag: lvl=32;color=#00D2D2;color_nr=55;lstyle=0;lwght=0;

  • Admin
    Theo van de Ven
    Feb 12, 2025

    The RGB-colour value is a universal colour setting, whereas the MicroStation colour number is a specific value in a specific MicroStation colour table, which has no meaning to other applications. The Oracle Spatial storage is to act as a universal storage format, fit for use by any other application.

    A MicroStation colour number can exist in multiple MicroStation colour tables, but with different colour contents, so would not suffice to uniquely identify a colour. For that, the RGB information is available.

    Adding the MicroStation colour number to the stored information can impact existing clients (like sisIMS) that already consume the Oracle Spatial data. They are parsing the style string and can run into problems if we change the format.

    We therefore decided not to implement this suggestion.

  • Admin
    Theo van de Ven
    Jan 19, 2024

    Thank you for your input!

    This idea has been added as sisNET Product Backlog Item 1356546, for further review by the sisNET team.