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Showing 7

Need pick for "location" just like for "workorders"

Hello, See image and recording In the "Run Reports" window we should expect and need the possibility to have a picklist in the other fields (e.g. location and category) than the Workorders where there is indeed a picklist Thanks, Nico
over 1 year ago in Substation / Reporting 1 Already exists

Page list reports including selected PW Attributes from the documents inserted in URL field from parts database

Make OUS create page list reports taking into consideration the reference drawings inserted into the URL fields from the parts database, gettting all the information about those drawings from PW. This would be a great improvement on the OUS-PW int...
10 months ago in Substation / Reporting 1 Already exists

Use Parts_database Display Name to filter into the reports

It would be great to use the Display Name of the Parts Database to filter when creating reports. Today, even if we customise the Display Name of a field, the system gives you only the ID to make the filter, making the customization useless. For ex...
10 months ago in Substation / Reporting 1 Already exists

Include the field "Discipline" as a possible filter option on the reports

Sometime for us is import to create reports filtering also the field "Discipline", for example, we only want to know the clamps quantity into the design.
over 1 year ago in Substation / Reporting 6 Already exists

Our SQL infrastructure in the cloud is Azure SQL Managed Instance, will we be able to use SQL Native Client access to manage our database needs

Our SQL infrastructure in the cloud is Azure SQL Managed Instance, will we be able to use SQL Native Client access to manage our database needs? The database requirements of Substation mean that it is difficulat to provide good latency to all of o...
over 1 year ago in Substation / Other 1 Already exists

Make the field Family Role unique for each symbol from a family when creating a symbol

Today if you create a symbol and add the family role as one of its attibutes, it works well, but if you intend to use this information into another symbol from the same family, it changes the family role text on both used symbols. It would be grea...
over 1 year ago in Substation / Engineering Design 4 Already exists

Make possible to change with one click between functions while with the Insert Object function opened.

Right now everytime that you are inserting an object or cable and you need to click into another function the Substation returns to the Insert Object/Cable window, then you need to close it to open a new tool. My idea is to stop opening this windo...
almost 2 years ago in Substation 1 Already exists