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Showing 72 of 72

Rename 'Save Settings' to 'Save Drawing Specific Settings'

Because 'Save Settings' is a bit of a misnomer, a lot of users tend to think that this will save certain user preference settings. (i.e. - snaps, locks, certain viewing prefs) And don't realize that it actually saves drawing specific settings that...
over 1 year ago in Substation / System Configuration 3 Will not implement

Trace report highlight/query fiber not in workspace.

We all know it's best to query in only what you need. We're frequently working far away from the Head ends and I for one am spread across multiple customers/markets so I can't remember where they all are and how all their rings path around (and do...
over 1 year ago in OpenComms / Engineering Design 0 Future consideration

Our SQL infrastructure in the cloud is Azure SQL Managed Instance, will we be able to use SQL Native Client access to manage our database needs

Our SQL infrastructure in the cloud is Azure SQL Managed Instance, will we be able to use SQL Native Client access to manage our database needs? The database requirements of Substation mean that it is difficulat to provide good latency to all of o...
over 1 year ago in Substation / Other 1 Already exists

Apply Dark Theme to Project Manager

When Dark Theme is applied, it should affect Project Manager also
over 1 year ago in OpenUtilities Electrical (Promis.e) 0 Needs review

Insert Symbol By ID not saving the dialogue position

Hi there, It has been suggested that I create an enhancement regarding a view setting for the Insert Symbol By ID dialog box that does not seem to be saving. It seems that each time we go into this dialog box we have to drag up the bottom section ...
over 1 year ago in Substation / Schematic Diagrams 0 Future consideration

Make the field Family Role unique for each symbol from a family when creating a symbol

Today if you create a symbol and add the family role as one of its attibutes, it works well, but if you intend to use this information into another symbol from the same family, it changes the family role text on both used symbols. It would be grea...
over 1 year ago in Substation / Engineering Design 4 Already exists

Add the Family Description as a Standard Attribute when creating a new symbol

Adding the Family Description as a Standard Attribute makes possible for us to add additional information on the symbol using the family of it, instead of using informations from the parts_database.
over 1 year ago in Substation / Engineering Design 3 Will not implement

Spacing - Individual cross-reference for PLC table

I am setting up a PLC table and I have found that the PLC cross-reference text is a single attribute. This differs to the relating components; PLC Address and Function Text which are individual attributes. Due to the cross-reference text being a s...
over 1 year ago in OpenUtilities Electrical (Promis.e) 0 Already exists

Ability to open exported DGN/RDL

Prior to opencoms, exported dgn/rdl could be opened by Bentley directly; outside the workflow manager (such as schematics or small files I would create for roughing out design boundaries/paths when sharing large projects). Now trying to open them ...
over 1 year ago in OpenComms / Engineering Design 0 Future consideration

Add multiple labels to a wire segment

We would like to show the wire label on both ends of a long wire segment and have control over moving them independently.
over 1 year ago in Substation / Schematic Diagrams 0 Future consideration